Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Surface pattern yearbook; refined concept.

When we met back up the next day to discuss our own concept ideas Claudia has been thinking about how we all go on a journey to get a destination, the destination being a job. Due to the fact we'd been told that the concept needs to somehow tie in with the whole college and not just the single course, this makes perfect sense because all students in this college go on that journey but obviously everyones is ever so slightly different. Kirsty's tattoo also very much inspired this concept and the name for it which is 'The journey is the destination' because it fits Claudia's explination perfectly. When we talked about the general way in which we think the content of the yearbook should be, everyone was on the same wavelength in terms of having categories and maybe colouring coding them so the yearbook is quite bright and bold so this was perfect. We then went on to discuss the refined concept in more detail. 
We talked about the fact there could be two larger categories to split the yearbook. One could be the learning process and their time at the college which comes under the journey and the other could be what they achieve which comes under the destination. 
We feel a scrapbook diary style visual concept will best fit the course because then the layout can be quite quirky and playful, just like much of the work they produce. With this in mind it could mean that the yearbook is quite image heavy making it very visually engaging. 
We've thought about the fact there could be an aspirational guide in the yearbook somewhere with testimonals from professionals and also course tutors about the students in general. 
Different parts of the journey could be colour coded in order to make it yet more visually engaging and simple to follow. 
Sections could include, workshops, industry talks, work space, facilities, awards and achievements, trade shows, placements and employment. These sections would go into the journey or the destination depending on which part they are relevent to. 
Due to Duncan referring to his students as a tribe we though it would be great to get them all together to  take a group photo to place in the yearbook. 
We think the contact details should go at the back because although they are really important, it means they are in an easy place to be found. 
We'd like to still include work within the yearbook but focus more on the outcome and the project rather than the induvidual so that we aren't singling students out because there are a lot of them. 

An ideal date to have the group photo taken would be the 22nd April because we are aware most people will have a hectic easter planned and this gives everyone enough notice. 
We'd like to see if Jessie Leong is willing to do the photography side of things for us as she is a second year photography student so it'd be great to have a professional working with us. 

We are due to meet with Duncan tomorrow to discuss all of our ideas. 

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