Monday, 4 March 2013

Surface pattern yearbook; initial meeting.

We had our first meeting with Fred and Duncan today in order to make sure everyone knows what is happening with the yearbook, the importance of the deadlines and the general things that we need to consider. 

- PDF option
- What is the function of the PDF? What does Duncan want it to do? 
- Getting the copy and the concept down means that we can move forward with the process asap
- Each spread needs signing off once the type is set
- By easter, we need as much content as possible
- The extracted Leeds College of Art logo needs to be in the center at the bottom of the back page
- Name of the course and year date etc need to be featured right at the front of the yearbook. 
- Consider the scale of the font. How does it work across varied sizes of screen? 
- We need to use CMYK safe colours in case people decide to print it
- It needs to be 210x210 or 420x210 in size
- It can be made up of double page spreads, single page or a mixture of the two
- The resolution needs to be 72 - 100dpi
- We need to remember to check image sizes so that the PDF file size isn't massive
- 5MB is the maximum PDF size allowed
- At least one spread needs to include the college contact details
- The overall outcome needs to link to the wider college brand somehow
- The photography shots need to be detailed and it's better to do all the photography on the same day so that they are consistent 
- Any artwork needs to be referenced 

- Images need to be done by easter
- 22nd April is the content sign off and this needs to effectively be a working proof 

Duncan also gave us some more relevent information about the course;
- He'd prefer not to have a page per person
- We need to sell the course and the experience
- The target audience is students and employers
- What makes the course great? Colour, drawing, visuals, hands on, studio culture
- There are 62 students 
- He's happy for us to take control of the imagery
- When we want things we need to specify the file formats to the last detail
- He'd like to include hyperlinks out to relevent elements
- Good times to have meetings are wednesdays and fridays

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