Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Surface pattern yearbook; concept meeting.

We had our concept meeting with Duncan today in order to pitch our idea to see what he thinks. We explained everything as I have explained somewhere on my blog and he seems really on board with the idea and quite excited to get into it. We were thorough in explaining the reasons for some of the decisions we have made. Once we knew everyone was happy with the concept we cleared up any questions and asked for certain elements so we could get into designing. 

- There are 1st, 2nd and 3rd year comments to come as part of the copy
- Team textiles is the best tutor point of contact because this goes out to everyone
- We need the student names and web address to include at the back of the yearbook but if students don't have a website address then an alternative is the email
- 22nd April is photography day and an opportunity for induviduals to sign off their correct details
- 19th April is post it note day where we will go around and pick out pieces of work we really like and what we would like to see more of to photograph 

In order to get on with things myself, Sophie, Claudia and Kirsty have come up with a 'to do' list and everything needs to be done for the Friday 15th March.
- DPS of a section of the copy exploring text layout
- Consider the brand including front cover designs and concepts
- Research Dan Eldon and Tim Walker for inspiration
- Research marbelling as a possible way of creating the cover
- Consider a colour scheme for the yearbook. Explore colour pallets

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