Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Geek Table: sixth meeting.

This meeting has given a massive change in direction from the original exhibition concept we came up with. Due to a few people having doubts about the original idea we all sat down and discussed alternatives and everyone seems a lot happier with the direction that this is now taking. We decided to go right back to who we are and what we have named ourselves and through this came up with the concept 'What Makes a Graphic Design Geek?'. As part of this someone suggested that we could all have a specific geek role for example, image geek, depending on what our creative interests are and then this could also reflect in the work we produce for the exhibtion. We need to consider what makes us the 'Geek Table' as part of this concept. 
Our unique geek roles within graphic design were then discussed depending on who people think they are and who others think they are too. They are as follows:
Kirsty A: Doodle Geek
Kirsty C: Papercraft Geek
Claudia: Craft Geek
Lisa: Concept Geek
Sophie: Print Geek
Sarah: Type Geek
Baljeet: Pattern Geek
Beth: Illustrator Geek

These skills will form the basis of the type of work we will each produce for the exhibtion. 
Someone also came up with the idea of having 'geek of the week' in order to get others involved on our online elements that we have set up. We have decided that we will produce a minimum of four briefs in time for the exhibition as this is a realistic goal. 
When we came back to thinking of the actual themes for the work we are going to produce, we hit a brick wall again because although we say a certain word, when we start thinking about what we could produce, nothing seems to really jump out at us. We then thought that we could use words that relate to us as the geek table because afterall the exhibition is about us. Some of these words are quite random but are still relevent. 
They are: 
- Batman
- Super
- Happy
- Motivated
- Mate
- Geeky
- Unique
- Friendly
- Sexy
- Ooft
- Roast potato
- Leeds
- Diverse
- Skillful 
I think that although some of the words seem odd, creative and interesting outcomes could come from these. 
As a test to see how the themes are going to work we decided to take the quote 'what is a geek?' and we are each going to go away and produce a personal visual exploration of this. We will use our unique skill that I listed above in order to produce this piece. We'll have a crit on the 4th March and if this has gone well then we will continue with the idea of having a theme. 

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