Monday, 18 February 2013

Fudge Kitchen; logo development.

Based on the fonts I found previously I used these to make slight hand rendered changes so that the font is unique to the brand and so that it suited the exact style I had in mind. I chose a few of the fonts to develop by hand because when I looked back over all of them I had particular favourites. I've tried to keep the designs quite basic because I want to use colour to communicate more so than a fancy font. Although the changes I have made are only minor, they could have a big impact on the overall message the brand gives. I won't know what works best until I start applying colour to the designs. 

I couldn't decide which font I preferred out of the two in the issuu document and also whether I liked each with an outline around the edge so I decided to experiment with them both through application of colour. I've used a mixture of colours for different reasons. I've tried to go for bright and bold colours so that the brand stands out and feels inviting to consumers. I've then also applied these darker 'royal' colours because as it stands the brand comes across as being high quality and sophisticated. The danger with some colours is I don't want the brand to be more masculine than femanine and vice versa. With the Fudge Kitchen current branding they have this swirl design and I actually really like this because I connect this to being like fudge. Within my brief I have stated I don't want to stray too far away from their current brand and values so I decided to start utilising this along with the font I decided I liked best. I chose this particular font because I feel the curves also link back to the product and modernise the brand. This and the swirl design work really well together due to these curves. I decided to experiment with different ways the swirl could be placed alongside the text and within this applied different colours so some of the logos are made up of multiple colours because a single colour makes it look a bit plain. On the second board, the designs in the bottom right are my 'final' ones at the moment until I have recieved feedback in the crit. I've altered the swirl design by placing two together just so I'm not completely copying what the company currently have. The colours applied through these choices have been my favourites so far, I brough the green back in from the original branding just incase the colour is actually something that could realistically stay the same, I just need feedback on which is most effective for the brand. 

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