Tuesday, 8 January 2013

BAGD yearbook proposal; Student page.

One of the tasks I was set was to create my own version of what a student page would look like based on the folding concept we had all agreed on. Kirsty C also created her own student page so we would need to keep referring to each others in order to make sure they look the same or similar. We took inspiration from some designs that Sophie had done during the christmas period in terms of the style of the pages and where things were placed. The blue page is the one that would fold into the middle of the double page spread and then that can be opened out. We decided to go with the idea of each person choosing their favourite colour as both me and Kirsty had considered this without even having a conversation about it and felt it would work really well. The three words on the page will be chosen by each student to describe the course and their experience over the past three years. The page on the other side of this will give each student the opportunity to choose two of their favourite projects to showcase and will include the title of the project and a short description of what it was about. The layout of these images may vary depending on whether a student decides they have a couple of good shots from a single project. For the bio page for each student everyone will be photographed in a way that they feel best represents their personality and will cover the whole of this page with a section of white background left at one side where the text can be placed. The text will include the students name, what type of designer they are, for example branding and the relevent contact details. To make the bio unique we have come up with 20 questions relating to design and each student can choose a maximum of 5 of these to answer. We've made the questions quite fun so that they will be interesting to read.

We also need a PDF version of the yearbook so we've changed the idea slightly to fit more with this. Instead of having an induvidual page for the three words, I suggested placing them in a bar at the bottom of the bio page because this still works as these are things each student is saying. This change also means that the bio page will come before the work so there is no confusion about who's work is who's. 

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