Before desinging this product, I already had a typeface in mind that I thought might be appropriate because it's quite positive and bold enough to work in a banner format.
I started off by having a going at using the repeat pattern within another product again for the same reason as with the envelopes. This idea would be that the typeface would be all in black saying 'happy birthday' on top of the repeat pattern design. I don't think this really works because the black is too harsh on top of the bright colours but if I were to change the black to orange or blue the text wouldn't be a visable.
I then tried the idea of cutting the font out from the repeat pattern. I've tried this twice on different areas of the pattern to see if it made any difference but on both occassions it doesn't work due to the gaps in the pattern. You can just read the text but not enough to make it a good design decision.
I thought I'd move away from the repeat pattern because this obviously isn't working for this element so I just decided to use the straight forward colours. The idea with this is that the letters would be cut out and attached to ribbon. There would be two banners with in the pack for each of the colours used in the pattern. I got this far with this idea and then decided that really it's a bit plain compared to the pattern design and theres so much more I could do with it to make it fit in.
I then came up with the idea of going back to basics and like with the pattern, hand rendered the typeface so it has sketchy edges because this will be more consistent with what I've already designed for this range.
I decided to apply colour in the same way that I have done with the Paperchase logo and also the invitation imagery design so that everything links together. I thought about the fact I could have a blue banner and an orange banner in this style or just a single blue and orange one. Although this is looking more like it's going in the right direction, I'm not sure about the format of the colours because some of the other elements of this project are a bit more minimal.
I decided to go for the two seperate banners to have more products within the range and took away the colour from the inside of the text. This looks so much better because not only does it look tidier but it now fits in with the exisiting products. The idea is that I will cut the seperate letters out and attach them to ribbon for them to be hung up. I'm pleased with this as an outcome because the decisions I've made one after the other have got me here so theres definite justification.